



我說: 他鄉遇故知,同行的媽媽們,領隊,大夥回國後成了姐妹滔,這是意想不到的寶藏,值得一提的是隨行的媽媽們,早上也要到大學上課,可以訓練我們的聽、說、讀、寫,讓我對英文學習有新的體驗。這樣的經驗是很特別的,我們離學生的生涯久遠,重新上學校,又是和各國的年輕人上課,新鮮有趣,開了眼界。

早上上課,下午旅遊,晚上回homestay, 每天有三種體驗,二週活動,時間恰到好處。


選擇好的遊學團體是遊學最重要的事,很高興有這樣的福份認識Formosa Overseas Study Center,感謝他們的細心照料,這一路上因為有你們,紐西蘭遊學變的更豐富美好,我們全家人都愛你們,祝福Formosa。


中原大學土木工程系 蘇柏嘉 





彰化女中 陳映蓉 

How to describe my love to New Zealand Oh! It's all beyond discription.. However I finally found a suitable adj to discribe the beautiful place . I called it "paradise". One year ago, when I arrived New Zealand , the enormous blue sky impressed me a lot. The hills were dotted with hundreds of sheep, and the scenery was out of words. Not only the wonderful scenery, but also the warmth of relationship with my friends in New Zealand appealed me a lot. The days I spent with my home-stay mother and my friends enriched my life and broaden my horizon. As for me, I'm the one who seek for adventure.

Learning with the classmates coming from different parts of world was the most interesting thing . Oh! My love towardNew Zealand is endless. Though I can't stay there for a long time, I do take something way with me, my sweet memory.

東吳大學外文系 吳思靜 

1 September 2002, this was my new life in New Zealand. I enjoyed the scenery very much. Everything was so fresh in my mind, I learned not only language but also personal transactions with different cultures. I want to share with you my home-stay experiences. There were three persons in my home-stay. My home-stay Mother, Mary, she was a very nice mother, and my Japanese roommate, Kimie, she taught me a lot of things. Everyday Mary cooked different meals, pork, fish, sausage, and so on. She also cooked rice for me because I am a Taiwanese. I felt very touched.
As for my roommate, she helped me a lot. She showed me to how to take bus or ferry (boat) to school, told me her experiences in New Zealand. We always chatted and watched TV programs with my home-stay. In fact, I believe that if you want to learn the core of one language, you should choose to live in then active speakers houses. In Taiwan, from elementary school to senior high school, students always took grammar course. As a result, when we talked about grammar, we always felt it would be very boring. However, after finishing the course in New Zealand, I changed my stereotype. My teacher combined the grammar with our daily life. She let us practice what we learned with different games. Then, the grammar became useful and interesting. This was really a very special experience in my life.
After that, I think the best time was when I went to the tripsin New Zealand. I was lucky to make a friend who had a car in New Zealand. I want to appreciate the following people. Because of them, I had the most wonderful memory in my life. Thank you for my family, aunt Kay, aunt Sunny, and my all friends all over the world.